Leaking a Clear Watery Discharge: Meaning Instead of Period

Having a watery discharge is normal during a pregnancy or other times. However, there are cases of sickness which also lead to having this type of discharge. All the details about this discharge are dealt with in this article.

What causes a lot of clear watery vaginal discharge?

clear watery discharge

Excessive amounts of a clear watery vaginal discharge is mostly a normal occurrence save for some cases where you have an infection or other causes. The most likely cause of colorless discharge in large amounts include;

1. Polyps

You may have cervical or uterine polyps if you often see a clear watery discharge. Polyps are small growths on the wall of the uterus or the cervix which are filled with a clear fluid. Usually, you may have just two to three of these polyps in the body.

While the polyps are benign growths, they will release the fluid when disturbed such as during;

  • Menopause
  • Douching
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Periods

The clear discharge may also come out with a bit of blood leading to light spotting.

While they do not lead to cancer, polyps should be removed since they can cause discomfort and increase your chances of having an infection.

2. Sexual intercourse

During sex, you will likely notice a watery fluid in the vaginal area. This is due to the arousal you will have before, during and after sex.

While it is mostly thought that the clear watery discharge is produced by the vagina, there are two glands above it that are responsible for the production of this clear lubricant.

Even when you still see the fluid after sex, it will go away on its own after a while.

3. Ovulation

The ovulation process is what determines whether you can get pregnant or not. It is the conditions in this process which will support conception.

About the second week after your period, you may observe a clear liquid that is stretchy and has the consistency of an egg white. This type of discharge provides the perfect conditions for the sperm to swim and survive for long enough to meet with the released egg for fertilization.

The clear discharge has no smell and will often be succeeded by some dryness before your period. If you conceive, however, you will experience an increase in the vaginal discharge about a week later due to the implementation process.

The fact that about 30 times more mucus is produced during ovulation compared to normal means that you are likely to notice wet panties and you may require using panty liners.

 4. Fibroids

Fibroids, just like polyps, are growths that occur in the uterine walls. The existence of symptoms of fibroids are determined by the number, location, and size of the fibroids. Among the symptom of fibroids include;

  • Lengthy menstrual periods
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Frequent urination
  • Pressure and pain in the pelvic area
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty with completely emptying the bladder
  • Pains in the legs and back

At times, you may see a clear fluid from the vagina when you have fibroids in the uterus.

5. Period

While you expect to see a dark brown discharge in your period, it is not a rarity to also see a clear watery discharge with the dark brown discharge. In this time, the rapid rise and fall of the hormonal levels are the causes of the discharge in question.

As always, the discharge is normal unless it has an odor and exhibits any symptoms that suggest you are sick.

6. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a lot of hormonal changes take place with your vaginal discharge changing in color, consistency and amount severally.

One of the earliest signs you may see to show that you are pregnant is a clear watery discharge which often appears even before a pregnancy test can confirm that you are expectant.

After fertilization, the rise in the estrogen hormone levels will see an almost immediate rise in the amount of vaginal mucus. It is also at this time that the mucus plug will be formed in the cervix.

Due to this, you may see some streaks of blood with the clear mucus especially during the implantation stage.

Throughout your pregnancy, you will see a lot of discharge as the estrogen hormone levels remain high.

Clear watery discharge instead of period (missed period)

A clear watery discharge around the time you are expecting your period is a strong sign of a pregnancy. When you conceive, the level of mucus in the vaginal area will start going up steadily in tandem with the rise of the estrogen hormone.

In the initial stages of the buildup of the mucus plug, you will have a mucus that is thin and clear. With time, this mucus will thicken to a whitish color that will last for most of the pregnancy.

If you see this type of mucus instead of your period, make it a priority to take a pregnancy test first at the time you expected your period and a week later.

At times, it is a normal occurrence and just a case of a late period. However, it may get complex especially when you take a pregnancy test, obtain a positive result and yet still have a period a few days or weeks later.

This would be a case of a chemical pregnancy which is the loss of a pregnancy a few days or weeks after conception. This case requires immediate medical attention.

Leaking a clear discharge before period

Leaking a clear discharge before periods can be due to several reasons one of which is a pregnancy. This can be confirmed or dismissed by a correctly done pregnancy test.

Other causes of a clear discharge include;

  • Cervical and uterine polyps
  • Uterine fibroids

Having sex at this time (or any other time) will also lead to the discharge that is clear.

Watery discharge after period

Given that a discharge that is watery is a normal phenomenon, having it after your period should not alarm you right away.

However, if you experience any pain, odor from the vagina or other signs out of the ordinary, you should have checks done to ascertain the cause of this discharge. You may have polyps or fibroids without your knowledge.

Clear watery discharge during pregnancy

clear watery discharge during pregnancy

In general, you will have more vaginal discharge during your pregnancy than any other time. The type of discharge you are bound to see most often is the clear watery one which may at times be slightly white in color. It may also have a slight smell and is referred to as leucorrhea.

Leucorrhea should not worry you in any way given that it is a normal and necessary part of your pregnancy.

This fluid clears away any dead cells and excessive bodily fluids that will be in the womb and vaginal region to ensure that your baby develops without interruption from diseases and foreign objects.

It is slightly white color will be a result of the mucus plug shedding off its parts as it constantly renews itself to provide a tight seal into the womb.

Is a clear watery discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Depending on when it appears, a clear watery discharge is a strong sign of a pregnancy. If you see this kind of discharge in the first two weeks after your period, then it is something else such as a normal discharge, polyps and even fibroids in the uterus.

However, if it occurs in the second half of your period, chances are that you are pregnant especially if you are sexually active and do not use protection with your partner.

While it may be any of the other causes including being just a normal discharge, you will be sure with a pregnancy test done at the right time.

Cramping with a clear discharge

Having cramps combined with a clear discharge can be due to several reasons including;

1. Sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases

Some sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis have cramps and discharges as their symptoms.

While each one of them has a discharge with a distinctive color, the discharge is often so thin that it appears clear. Only when a significant amount of it is collected can one discern its actual color.

If besides the cramps and the clear discharge you feel any of the following, you need to pay your doctor a visit;

  • The cramps are intense
  • Occasional spotting or bleeding
  • Fever
  • Pain during sexual intercourse and urination
  • Difficulty to pass urine
  • Increases in temperature

Any other symptoms which signal an anomaly with your body should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible.

2. Fibroids

Fibroids are growths on the wall of the uterus which may or may not have any symptoms with them. When they occur, the symptoms may include an occasional clear discharge and abdominal cramps.

Lengthy periods lasting for over a week may also be experienced with uterine fibroids. Fibroids need to be addressed as soon as possible since they may affect your subsequent pregnancies.

Luckily, through methods and procedures such as hysterectomy, conservative surgical therapy, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH), uterine artery embolization, Anti-hormonal agents, and Anti-inflammatory painkillers, fibroids can be easily treated especially when discovered early.

3. Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the loss of the ability to control the retention and flow of urine. This condition can affect you mildly during pregnancy where you may leak a small amount of urine.

In cases where one has urinary incontinence due to an injury or a disease, they are likely to experience a certain level of abdominal cramps.

4. Cancer

Cancer of the female reproductive system can be;

  • Uterine cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Cervical cancer

Each of these types of cancer can cause a lot of discomfort in the form of cramps and general pain in the abdomen. You can also have a discharge which ranges from clear to bloody in color.

5. Pregnancy

During your pregnancy, the presence of leucorrhea will make you wet most of the time. This is normal and shouldn’t worry you unless accompanied by signs of an infection such as itching and cramps.

Leucorrhea is clear to slightly white in color. However, it does not come with cramps. If you have cramps especially during your last trimester, you should let the doctor know straight away.

6. Implantation

Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg on to the walls of the uterus. This process will significantly increase the amount of vaginal discharge with a clear watery discharge being noted.

At times, the discharge may have stripes of blood which last for about two days before the discharge reverts to the normal color.

The pain or cramps you may feel during this time would be due to the burrowing activities of the egg as it lodges itself into the uterine wall.

7. Ovulation

Ovulation, being the release of a mature egg by the follicles in the ovaries, has as much as 30 times more mucus than normal times. This mucus will be mostly clear and watery in color with occasional pink blood being noted.

The light bleeding would be from the bursting of the follicles to release the mature egg. As for the cramping, it could be due to;

  • The growth of the egg in size exerts pressure on the walls of the follicles.
  • The bursting of the follicles to release the egg can be mildly painful.
  • Hormonal changes in the body during this stage may lead to pain in the abdomen.
  • The released blood from the bursting of the follicles may irritate the internal reproductive organs leading to pain.

8. Premenstrual symptoms

Part of your premenstrual symptoms is cramping which can be accompanied by a clear discharge. All these will be due to the changes in the hormones which control the menstrual cycle.

Watery discharge with odor

A watery discharge with a mild odor can be leucorrhea especially when you are pregnant. However, when the watery discharge has an odor that is strong and you have other symptoms such as itching or intense pain, then you could be having a disease such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis.

Odorless discharge

If the clear discharge has no odor, it is most likely just a normal vaginal discharge. The normal discharge from the vagina is usually clear to slightly white in color and from light to watery in nature.

The discharge of a yeast infection is also odorless but cottage cheese in nature.

Clear watery discharge after ovulation

The ovulation stage involves the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. At this time, the egg will be ready to be fertilized by the sperm.

To facilitate fertilization, the female reproductive system produces a clear egg like discharge. This discharge is the best for the sperm to survive for a few days and swim to meet with the released egg.

This would be the clear watery discharge you will note after ovulation. If you plan on conceiving, this is your best time to try your luck. If you want to keep off from having a baby at this time, keep off unprotected sex when you see this type of discharge.

What to do to at home to get rid of the excess mucus

Excessive mucus, especially when it is just a case of leucorrhea, can be easily dealt with at home with the following remedies;

1. Cranberries

Cranberries have antioxidant, antifungal and antibiotic properties which make them the best solution for excessive mucus.

  • Take cranberry tablets as directed by your doctor.
  • You can also drink a glass of cranberry juice daily until you see a change.

2. Bananas

You can use bananas for this problem in the following ways;

  • Mix about two tablespoons of banana flower juice with two teaspoons of powdered Palmyra candy then take it daily.
  • Also, you can eat overripe bananas on a daily basis.

3. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds play a major role when it comes to regulating the pH of the vagina and the levels of the estrogen hormone. They also boost the immune system of the body to keep at bay any opportunistic diseases.

  • Take a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and soak them in a glass of water overnight. Strain the mixture then add a natural sweetener such as honey and drink the water.
  • You could also boil a mixture of two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in four cups of water. When the water has cooled down, use it to wash the vagina at least four times a day until when you see change.

When to see a doctor

You should see a doctor in the following cases;

  • When the pain does not subside after a day.
  • When the discharge has an odor to it.
  • When you have a fever or notable increase in the body temperature.
  • When you have an itch.


Home Remedies for Leucorrhea (Vaginal Discharge) – Top10HomeRemedies

Uterine Fibroids – Mayo Clinic

11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation – Parenting Healthy Babies